My $100 dare
That's it. I'm frustrated. I'm fed up. Republicanism chaps my hide. The fact that the republican state congress and senate was put in power partially in thanks to Christians is just pure injustice, a defamation against the Spirit of God.
We passed a budget. I don't even want to talk about how embarrassing the whole situation is. But, our fair governor, backed by his Republican representatives, line item vetoed 100% of state funding to domestic violence prevention and service programs. I am drawing this conclusion simply based on fact:
Democrats advocate for the widows and the orphans.
Republicans advocate for taxpayers.
I say, raise my taxes. I'm a business owner, I pay double the taxes you do, quit complaining. Raise my taxes and use that money to help women escaping irreversible violence so they can start a new life with their children.
Republicans across the land are saying "don't raise my taxes, it should be the responsibility of the individual to sponsor charities." Fine. I will buy your argument that you are advocating for upper and middle class taxpayers out of a God given duty. I will sponsor your argument if you prove it to me. To everyone of my readers who voted for a republican state congressman, (or for a guy who starred in Kindergarten Cop or the pregnant guy in “Junior”), who is advocating for no additional taxes, please consider this carefully: Donate $100 to CPAF, a domestic violence shelter my wife formerly worked at, which just had ALL state funding cut in order to preserve our current tax structure. Donate the precious $100 that you just saved in taxes this year to the people who actually need it. Here is the link:
Donate $100, send me the confirmation email, and I will shut-up with my belief that Republican ideals are godless and selfish. That's it.
If you think that's unfair or inaccurate or over-simplied, then I have one simple question for you: Name one moment in Jesus' life where he advocated for himself...
Still thinking?
I cannot possibly think of any defensible spiritual argument one would have that lower taxes is worth women and children facing violence. Advocating for lower taxes over the needs of widows and orphans is in direct violation of a slew of doctrine that I don't even need to begin listing. Our governor is an outrage and an embarrassment. This is injustice.
While I agree that cutting funding for this program may not have been the best cut to make, i disagree that it is all about whether or not taxes were raised.
Neither republican or democrats were willing to put their special projects on the chopping block so that there would be the money for the program. So pointing blame at one group is unfounded.
Also, raising taxes this year to add funding for one program (or many) might solve the problem right now, but could make the problem worse. Historically (over the past century) tax increases raise tax revenues for a short while but not significantly over time. Tax cuts on the other hand, typically result in tax revenue increases on the scale of 100-200% in the 3-10 years after they are implemented.
Lastly, should government take the role of being the great caretaker of the people? If government is doing so, than that relieves me of any responsibility. God is after our heart, not our money. If I have to pay in taxes to care for the "widows and orphans," my heart is not involved. (Yes I realize that this mentality does not solve the very REAL need today)
Ultimately, I would challenge the church to be the church and impact this world. There are people hurting and in need. Get out of the pews and start loving people where they are at and where they have need.
I comment to not comment...
"The fact that the republican state congress and senate..."
The California Assembly has 50 Democrats and 28 Republicans, with 1 independent. The Senate has 25 Democrats and 15 Republicans. Is this the legislature you criticize as being the one put in "power partially in thanks to Christians?"
"a defamation against the Spirit of God."
The Democratics in the California legislature support the killing of unborn children, gay matrimony, and believe it's wrong to separate kindergartners into boys and girls so as not to cause stress to "transgendered" little children. Nope, that's not a "defamation against the Spirit of God."
"Democrats advocate for the widows and the orphans."
...just not the unborn.
"Republicans advocate for taxpayers." widows and orphans who can barely support themselves because of the oppressive tax burden, among other things.
"I say, raise my taxes."
Excellent. This is commendable. Send in your extra money if the spirit moves you. But, don't force your own preferences on the rest of us who can not afford to have higher taxes. If you want to send more, don't wait until a law is passed for the rest of us...send more on your own.
"Raise my taxes and use that money to help women escaping irreversible violence so they can start a new life with their children."
Your view is way too narrow. A line-item veto doesn't necessarily mean that this is not a good cause or that we don't care. I care about lots of things that I can't afford to support financially because I don't have the money. Where will California get the money from? CA is running in the red, and if money is cut here, that means there is less for homeless children, elderly who can't pay for bills, mentally ill, women in crisis pregnancy, etc.
Perhaps there would be more money for these causes if the legislators didn't waste so much on unnecessary pet projects....but, wait, isn't the legislature majority Democrats? Don't they care? And, isn't maintaining these pet projects a "defamation against the Spirit of God?"
"Donate $100, send me the confirmation email, and I will shut-up with my belief that Republican ideals are godless and selfish."
You a woefully misinformed. Conservatives give way more to help people than liberals do. Arthur Brooks, who wrote "Who Really Cares" did the study and it has been reported on widely. You're just perpetuating a myth here based on false assumption. I would advise liberals, on the other hand, to stop trying to raise everyone else's taxes and to just give more themselves.
"Name one moment in Jesus' life where he advocated for himself...I cannot possibly think of any defensible spiritual argument one would have that lower taxes is worth women and children facing violence."
I'll never understand why liberals equate paying taxes with having compassion or helping people. It is a false dichotomy: "lower taxes" or "helping women and children facing violence." If I send an extra $100 to Sacramento, that is not $100 going to help women and children facing violence. That is $100 going to Sen. Smith's pet project.
Liberals should know better. Sending taxes says nothing about whether or not you care. Everyone has taxes withheld whether they care or not, so you can't equate the two. But, liberals still make the argument because, I suspect, it makes them seem morally superior, when in fact, they are only arguing for their own liberal preferences, while trying to control others through political action. It is self-righteous, and THAT is not like Jesus.
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